Virtual CME sessions (Coming Soon!)

View the schedule and register for upcoming virtual Continuing Medical Education (CME) sessions. Event topics include Implicit Bias training in the healthcare setting and Emerging Evidence in clinical trials.




Send referrals to Moffitt

Use the Trial Connect Portal (TCP) to match your patient to a clinical trial and send electronic referrals directly to a Moffitt clinical team, or quickly send a general patient referral.




ACT WONDER2S Resources

Moffitt Patient Resources

Click to view the various resources available for patients at Moffitt Cancer Center.

ACT WONDER2S Newsletters

Want to receive updates on CME events and clinical trials at Moffitt Cancer Center? Email us to get added to the newsletter listserv!


Call or email the hotline for patient questions or barriers to clinical trials, questions or issues with the Trial Connect Portal, and more.

PHONE: 813-745-2829