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What is Project ARC?

App for Resisting Cravings (ARC) is a study funded by the National Institutes of Health that works in partnership with Florida Tobacco Quitline to provide additional aid in smoking cessation. The ARC smartphone app may help you track and manage your urges to smoke and your progress in quitting.

Why participate in Project ARC?

Quitting smoking can be hard but staying smoke-free can be even harder. Cravings for cigarettes can continue even after your quit smoking.  The ARC app is designed to help combat and manage those cravings. Reduce tobacco cravings will increase chances of having a longer and healthier smoke-free life.

Smoking accounts for nearly 500,000 annual deaths in the United States alone. Quitting smoking has immediate as well as long-term benefits for you and your loved ones.  The ARC app may help to achieve those benefits.

Click here to learn more about ARC.