What is the purpose of Project ARC?

Project ARC is testing whether tobacco cravings after quitting smoking can be reduced with the help of a smartphone application. The ARC app is designed to work with existing smoking cessation treatments, such as the Florida Quitline.

How can Project ARC help me?

  • While quitting smoking early in life can have positive health benefits, quitting smoking at any time can have monumental health benefits. By quitting, you will lower your risk of developing a myriad of diseases and over 12 different types of cancers. You will also be able to protect your family, friends, and coworkers from secondhand smoke exposure.
  • In addition to health benefits, Project ARC hopes to help improve your mental health. By quitting smoking, you will see improvements in your confidence, self-esteem, and overall happiness, as well as decreases in your anxiety and depression.
  • Smoking doesn’t just negatively impact your health but can burn through your wallet. In Florida, the total cost of a smoker over the course of their lifetime is $1,497,352. Our app is free and can help you save money over the course of your lifetime.

Who can participate in Project ARC?

You may be eligible to participate in project ARC if you:

  • Are 18 years of age or older
  • Are a current smoker who is enrolled in the Florida Quitline and wants to quit smoking
  • Have a functioning telephone number and email
  • Can read and write in English
  • Own a smartphone and are willing to download the study app