H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, invites applications to its post-doctoral training program in behavioral oncology. This recently refunded NCI-supported T32 interdisciplinary training program is designed to prepare fellows for careers as independent investigators engaged in research on behavioral aspects of cancer prevention detection and control. The program combines a specialized curriculum (formal didactic training and one-on-one interactions with experienced mentors) with research experience (participation in funded studies under the guidance of an experienced investigator).
We are particularly interested in candidates with an interest in nicotine dependence and tobacco control, cervical cancer prevention, cultural and literacy issues in cancer prevention and control, disparities in cancer care, quality of life and symptom management issues in cancer survivors, psychosocial and behavioral aspects of familial and hereditary cancer, and health care provider practices in cancer prevention and control.
Applicants must have a terminal degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., Sc.D., D.P.H. or M.D.) in a social science, a behavioral science, nursing, education, public health or medicine and be committed to a career in behavioral oncology research. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Fellowships are for two years.
Diverse faculty and transdisciplinary environment
Trainees linked with a mentoring team
Support for further training and professional development
Competitive salary and benefits
$2,500 NIH annual childcare benefit
NCI supported program
To learn more or apply now, please visit: https://www.moffitt.org/education/research-education-and-training/office-of-postdoctoral-affairs/training-grant-programs/behavioral-oncology/
Graduate and undergraduate students interested in a research training opportunity are encouraged to complete the attached form and email it and their CV/resume to Christy Lab at Christy_Lab@moffitt.org.
Dr. Christy may consider accepting student trainees for a research training experience in Summer 2025. If you are a Graduate or Undergraduate Student interested in a possible research training experience for Summer 2025, please email your CV/resume and completed form to Christy_Lab@moffitt.org no later than 12 weeks before you would like to start.