The trainees are immersed in a variety of activities
2-day CBPR Training Institute: A series of seminars for early career researchers focused on community-based participatory research, mixed methods research, grant-writing, career advancement and work-life balance
Research and Practice CBPR Journal Clubs: Researchers, students and community leaders meet quarterly to discuss the practical application of recently published community-engaged scientific literature
Grant-writing Workshops: Ongoing seminars for early career investigators to gain expertise in writing collaborative grants with community stakeholders
Immersion Activities: Trainees are invited to observe and participate in activities at TBCCN community partner sites
Mentoring Experience: Trainees work with academic and community mentors to establish a community-engaged research agenda
Book Club: We meet annually to discuss a book in a community setting. Past titles include: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman and Floodlines by Jordan Flaherty

Book Club